THE RULES: Use only the monsters found in the Switch RETRO version background image #4 (What about image #2?) Can't even recruit anything else. Only use those 64 monsters. Row 1: Demonite Caterpillar Agdevil Phoenix Andreal Unicorn Goathorn Baramos Esturk Row 2: Orc [Warubou] MadCat BigEye EvilPot RogueNite MadMirror HammerHood [Watabou] Mudou Row 3: [Warubou] [Warubou] Dracolord2 [Game] [Game] [Game] Deathmore2 [Watabou] [Watabou] Row 4: Golem [Warubou] Toadstool [Game] [Game] [Game] [Game] Mimic [Watabou] Zoma Row 5: Spooky KingLeo EvilArmor [Game] [Game] [Game] FaceTree Minidrak Dragon Row 6: StoneMan Hargon Momonja [Game] [Game] [Game] [Game] KingSlime Mildrath2 BigRoost Row 7: Watabou Almiraj GoldSlime [Game] [Game] [Game] Armorpion MadCandle Slime Row 8: Oniono [Milayou] Battlerex [Game] [Game] [Game] [Game] DrakSlime [Terry] SpotSlime Row 9: [Milayou] [Milayou] Sidoh [Game] [Game] [Game] Pizzaro [Terry] [Terry] Row 10: Dracky [Milayou] WindBeast Copycat Madgopher Shadow Anteater SlimeNite [Terry] Boxslime Row 11: Wyvern FairyRat DarkDream LavaMan Gizmo JewelBag EvilLamp Babble Healer - Slimes (9) SlimeNite Boxslime Babble Healer Slime DrakSlime SpotSlime KingSlime GoldSlime - Dragons (4) Minidrak Andreal Dragon Battlerex - Beasts (11) Unicorn MadCat BigEye HammerHood KingLeo Momonja Almiraj WindBeast Madgopher Anteater FairyRat - Birds (4) Phoenix BigRoost Dracky Wyvern - Plants (4) Toadstool FaceTree Oniono Watabou - Bugs (2) Caterpillar Armorpion - Devils (5) Demonite Agdevil Orc Goathorn EvilArmor - Zombies (3) Spooky Copycat Shadow - Materials (11) Golem EvilPot MadMirror Mimic StoneMan MadCandle LavaMan Gizmo JewelBag EvilLamp RogueNite - Bosses (11 lol) Dracolord2 Hargon Sidoh Zoma Baramos Esturk Pizzaro Mildrath2 Deathmore2 Mudou DarkDream [This is Monsters 2 data and isn't fully accurate. I think the stat #s are the same though??] ---------------------------------------------------------------- i. Slime Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC DrakSlime 45 13 16 10 13 8 20 16 BeDragon FireAir SuckAir SpotSlime 35 10 17 1 17 4 17 8 CallHelp LushLicks Imitate SlimeNite 40 15 14 1 15 14 20 14 Heal Upper BeastCut Babble 45 12 17 7 17 8 14 13 Surround PoisonHit EerieLite BoxSlime 50 11 11 10 14 19 14 13 Blaze Upper Ramming Slime 40 16 22 11 14 17 11 13 Firebal MegaMagic Radiant Healer 50 11 11 15 11 11 20 18 Heal HealUs Upper KingSlime 45 12 18 14 15 14 20 15 Mpass Barrier Vivify GoldSlime 70 31 0 31 19 31 31 18 Chance BigBang Surge ---------------------------------------------------------------- ii. Dragon Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Dragon 40 20 17 1 20 16 7 4 FireAir FireSlash SealAll MiniDrak 35 16 14 8 17 14 18 10 CallHelp Ramming SandStorm Andreal 50 22 21 15 19 17 19 12 Infernos Surround PoisonGas BattleRex 60 22 23 16 26 20 17 16 FireAir MetalCut EvilSlash ---------------------------------------------------------------- iii. Beast Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Almiraj 45 13 18 5 14 9 15 4 Sleep ChargeUp Beserker WindBeast 50 12 13 20 13 15 15 13 Infernos Icebolt VacuSlash Antbear 40 8 14 7 17 11 9 11 MetalCut SquallHit LushLicks Mommonja 35 9 14 11 16 14 20 8 CureDance MouthShut EagleEye HammerMan 50 11 17 19 17 11 17 10 ChargeUp EvilSlash Kamikaze MadGopher 40 12 14 13 17 9 8 11 BirdBlow ZombieCut Informer FairyRat 45 11 12 5 13 14 17 7 Slow Surround SlimeBlow Unicorn 50 14 19 21 14 13 12 25 Heal Vivify Errand KingLeo 60 15 20 14 24 23 17 14 Firebal FrigidAir BiAttack MadCat 40 12 15 7 18 14 17 11 VacuSlash SquallHit LegSweep BigEye 40 11 14 8 14 11 7 9 Icebolt FrigidAir LoveRain ---------------------------------------------------------------- iv. Bird Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Wyvern 45 6 17 13 19 11 16 20 Heal Sleep FrigidAir Dracky 50 2 11 4 8 13 17 11 Antidote Sleep RobMagic BigRoost 40 3 8 5 14 12 17 8 VacuSlash SandStorm Dodge Phoenix 50 7 16 13 19 8 19 12 FireAir SquallHit TailWind ---------------------------------------------------------------- v. Plant Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Toadstool 45 9 14 18 8 9 13 13 NapAttack SleepAir MouthShut Oniono 35 9 13 20 14 11 3 16 RobMagic ChargeUp SleepAir FaceTree 45 9 12 20 11 8 10 17 StopSpell Curse OddDance Watabou 80 0 10 27 11 14 24 30 Chance Imitate Whistle ---------------------------------------------------------------- vi. Bug Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Catapila 40 4 13 5 11 14 11 9 Upper PoisonHit ThickFog Armorpion 55 24 22 20 24 23 15 18 ZombieCut RainSlash EvilSlash ---------------------------------------------------------------- vii. Demon Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC AgDevil 35 16 16 11 18 12 16 19 Firebal Sacrifice SleepAir Demonite 30 13 13 1 5 4 9 20 Blaze FireAir FrigidAir GoatHorn 40 22 20 11 17 13 11 20 Bang Infernos Icebolt Orc 50 17 19 7 19 13 13 18 Vivify Sap BirdBlow EvilArmor 40 22 16 1 17 29 5 13 FireSlash BoltSlash AquaCut ---------------------------------------------------------------- viii. Zombie Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC Spooky 40 11 11 12 13 8 18 15 Radiant MouthShut Outside Shadow 50 12 9 6 6 20 8 12 FrigidAir K.O. Dance ThickFog Copycat 40 1 11 20 1 2 21 5 Transform OddDance Imitate ---------------------------------------------------------------- ix. Material Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC JewelBag 40 12 13 11 9 18 17 15 Firebal StopSpell PanicAll MadCandle 35 10 12 10 14 6 17 12 Blaze PsycheUp Whistle MadMirror 45 14 15 11 8 6 11 19 MagicBack Transform Outside RogueNite 45 12 14 4 20 21 10 13 Heal MetalCut EvilSlash CurseLamp 45 9 12 18 9 19 13 15 Upper Speed TwinHits EvilPot 40 11 18 19 15 18 9 19 Beat Massacre Outside Gismo 40 9 13 15 11 14 20 18 FireAir FrigidAir SuckAir LavaMan 45 13 18 12 17 24 4 7 Blaze FireAir Cover Mimic 40 11 25 10 20 12 1 20 Blaze Beat EagleEye Golem 45 18 17 4 12 21 4 6 ChargeUp PsycheUp Meditate StoneMan 50 15 24 10 23 24 1 14 StrongD Cover SealAll ---------------------------------------------------------------- xi. ???? Family Name ML EP HP MP AT DF AG IN SkillA SkillB SkillC DracoLord2 70 25 21 30 24 21 23 21 FireAir Massacre Surge Hargon 60 24 19 30 20 21 23 23 Firebal Bang TatsuCall Sidoh 70 25 24 30 24 21 23 23 HellBlast FireAir FrigidAir Baramos 60 24 20 30 20 20 22 21 Bang HellBlast RockThrow Zoma 70 25 24 30 26 21 23 23 BigBang FrigidAir DeMagic Pizzaro 70 24 21 30 26 21 23 23 HellBlast FireAir BiAttack Esterk 80 31 29 30 26 24 23 23 BiAttack RainSlash GigaSlash Mirudraas2 80 31 29 30 26 21 23 23 FireAir DeMagic SuckAir Mudou 60 28 21 30 26 24 23 23 FireAir FrigidAir PoisonGas DeathMore2 70 29 24 30 26 21 23 23 FireAir Ramming UltraDown Darkdrium 80 30 31 30 31 24 23 23 Bolt FireAir FrigidAir ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Between Levels 001 - 018 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills Agdevil 5 30 36 32 23 23 45 Beserker,Cover,StrongD Hammerman 5 25 12 28 15 22 45 Boltslash,Vacuslash,Iceslash Slimenite 5 29 24 31 18 34 33 Upper,Speed,Heal 2.2 Between Levels 019 - 038 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills Orc 13 51 29 36 25 44 57 Heal,Vivify,LureDance Phoenix 12 50 47 53 27 41 47 Heal,BlazeAir,TailWind Shadow 13 59 40 54 50 26 46 Sleep,RobMagic,SpeedUp Wyvern 12 46 32 52 28 48 84 BiAttack,SqualHit,WindBeast 2.3 Between Levels 039 - 058 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills CurseLamp 20 60 70 62 50 42 59 Snowstorm,Sacrifice,Drakslash Dragon 21 105 36 83 63 48 64 Heal,Callhelp,Cover Gizmo 21 57 47 69 52 72 46 Sleepall,Slowall,Poisonair LavaMan 21 80 43 88 49 40 51 Blazemore,Fireslash,Metalcut Phoenix 20 81 46 77 51 66 40 Heal,MagicWall,Vacuslash RogueNite 21 75 61 103 120 40 61 Takemagic,Curse,Sicklick 2.4 Between Levels 059 - 078 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills Copycat 26 55 45 82 61 64 57 Magicwall,Imitate,Thickfog FaceTree 26 125 119 67 74 51 86 Magicwall,Guardian,ShelDodge JewelBag 25 68 76 123 126 40 130 Healus,Sidestep,Diagocall Phoenix 26 110 65 125 70 100 75 Callhelp,Poisonair,Hustle 2.5 Between Levels 079 - 098 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills BigEye 33 155 134 162 122 137 100 Healus,Farewell,Highjump EvilArmor 34 185 102 229 420 135 148 Sleepall,Barrier,Rainslash Golem 33 210 59 108 182 52 192 Panidance,Robdance,Hustle LavaMan 33 180 63 158 179 87 101 Curse,Eerielite,Samsicall MadCat 34 166 64 159 124 163 107 Healmore,Iceslash,Luredance MadMirror 33 164 62 71 64 170 120 Boom,Birdblow,Rainslash StoneMan 34 220 96 147 220 71 125 Firebolt,Healus,Suckall 2.6 Between Levels 098 - 118 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills BattleRex 39 187 122 286 187 200 141 Whiteair,Curse,Hustle KingSlime 38 250 94 218 181 206 200 Blizzard,Evilslash,Drakslash LavaMan 38 190 113 198 159 140 101 Thoradin,Twinslash,Squallhit Phoenix 40 181 116 177 121 155 81 Devilcut,Napattack,Bazoocall StoneMan 40 222 126 199 257 107 184 Stopspell,Bazoocall,Guardian 2.7 Between Levels 119 - 138 ---------------------------- Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills Andreal 45 340 280 200 320 200 250 Revive,Surge,Suckall Copycat 38 210 210 120 167 138 200 Transform,Kamikaze,Whiteair Unicorn 45 200 330 200 150 290 255 Squallhit,Luredance,Guardian 2.8 Levels 139 and Above ------------------------ Monster Lv HPs MPs ATK DEF AGL INT Trainer Skills StoneMan 48 360 160 240 360 100 200 Suckair,Whiteair,Eerielite -------------------- Cheating Opportunities: E -> Anger Teto Iceman w/ Cover Tailwind E -> Anger Diner Catfly w/ Robmagic Upper Twinhits E -> D Mick Lizardman w/ Heal Vivify StrongD D -> Anger Mick DeadNite w/ DragonCut DevilCut BeastCut Anger -> A May Rayburn w/ Blaze Firebal Bang Anger -> S MedalMan FangSlime w/ SuckAir BiAttack BladeD C -> B Teto Eyeder w/ RobDance Sidestep LureDance A -> Refl Teto Yeti w/ StopSpell DanceShut MouthShut S -> End MedalMan Metaly w/ Cover LifeDance Postgame Milayou Skeletor w/ MultiCut Gigaslash -------------------- Phoenix Pot MimiSton XP 7 11 11 15 HP 16 18 25 24 MP 13 19 10 10 ATK 19 15 20 23 Def 8 18 12 24 Agi 19 9 1 1 Int 12 19 20 14 10k xp Phoe 21 Pot 18 Mimi 18 Ston 18 HP 70 86 71 139 MP 84 120 56 56 ATK 134 105 131 124 Def 80 120 56 139 Agi 134 73 37 37 Int 75 120 131 71 StoneMan + KingSlime + Unicorn? StoneMan = StoneMan (Boss or FT) + Material KingSlime = Slime+4 + Slime Unicorn = Beast + FangSlime (Medal Man) Battlerex? Madcandle for Whistle Material + Beast or just recruit one Stoneman slightly better than Battlerex for HP and ATK both (same ATK growth but faster XP growth) Rex has high Bang + Bolt resists Unicorn obvious for Revive Orc or Kingslime for another Revive? Heal Sources: Healer, SlimeNite, Wyvern, RogueNite, Unicorn StoneMan = StoneMan + (JewelBag = (MadCandle = Golem + Anteater) + Healer) Free StoneMan from May after A Class Female Anteater from Beginner or Talisman (Golem), or FairyRat from Memories Or use the Catfly, but that's after E class (Snailies + Armorpede) Golem Boss Healer Boss BattleRex = Battlerex + FT Dragon (39-59) Unicorn = Any Beast + FangSlime MadCat boss Breed with a dragon (MiniDrak, NOT Mick's LizardMan) to make Almiraj Breed with a material (NOT Teto's Iceman) to make WindBeast Breed with the catfly to get a better MadCat????? Start! Get safety herbs Enter Beginner, recruit optional Anteater and/or Dracky Get Hale, ditch Dracky Clear G class Recruit Dragon and then Golem, replace Slime and then Anteater [Golem + Dragon + Hale] Get Golem first if you don't have any herbs on you. Dragon starts one level lower, though. Clear F class Only threat is PaniDance, but it might not even ruin the run. Recruit MadCat boss (Replace Hale) Hale must be at least level 8.5 before replacing him (450 XP). 423 XP should be plenty for him to hit level 10 before you need to breed him. This shouldn't be an issue unless you get no XP at all between Dragon recruitment and MadCat recruitment. Make sure you have 10+ herbs and at least one wing. Recruit Facetree Boss Make sure Golem and Dragon both hit level 10 (1320 XP). Bottom floor is worth 404 XP. Get Dragon to level 9 + 56 XP. We don't need the tree, but the stumps are tasty. Clear E Class w/ Golem + Dragon + MadCat Pretty easy even at 10/10/12, team has no healing but great resistances. Maybe CallHelp can be dangerous? Reset if FairyDrak uses Surround. Breed Golem with Tavern Catfly = MadCandle (FEMALE) Breed Dragon with Mick's LizardMan = Dragon v2.0 (MALE) Team is MadCat + Dragon + MadCandle (move candle to front around level 7-8) Grind FangSlime or BigEye gates until Dragon learns BlazeAir at 10. BigEye itself gives good XP but has Snowstorm Clear D class Let Dragon use BlazeAir once in first fight, once or twice in second fight. MadCandle should Increase in the second fight, MadCat parry, Dragon deal full-on Charge. Only threat is EvilSlash. Buy a ton of Lovewaters (10+) Breed MadCandle + Hale = JewelBag (MALE) Recruit BattleRex boss Get some more XP on the way down Need a few Increase stacks. Let MadCat try to use LegSweep/BigTrip, but don't heal it. Buy a few Bookmarks (4-6) Breed MadCat + Medal Man's FangSlime = Unicorn Breed Battlerex + Dragon 2.0 = Battlerex 2.0 Open Bazaar gate Do the usual gold grind strats to force meat merchants to appear. Need 15k gold minimum to do Class A and Class S separately. Grind until we can beat A class... (Grizzly x2 + Lionex -> Toadstool x2 + Lipsy) Clear A Class Get free StoneMan from May Breed StoneMan + JewelBag = StoneMan 2.0 Grind in Bazaar gate until 10k+ gold Grind in final (so far) gate room, gate on right, until strong enough for S class Whistle + Mash A Wing out when out of MP Metabble has 670 DEF just saying Clear S Class Grind in Reflection until 360-370 ATK on StoneMan and/or Battlerex Clear Reflection Clear Starry tournament More aggressive route - only do one of E and F F: Gonna need to breed and grind a lot to clear D class: Golem + Anteater = MadCandle, JewelBag after D class MadCat Hale w/ Increase or Dragon w/ BlazeAir (Slib w/ Firebane if you want to recruit FT Dragon later) Need to recruit female Anteater, can't use Mick's LizardMan to get Heal on the Dragon (recruit from FT later instead, ew) E: Need to climb over E class without breeding, and without MadKnight E class team: Golem, Dragon with BlazeAir (70 HP), Hale? This is kinda like the route above, but you grind Golem and Dragon up to 10-12 on lower-XP battles, without Whistle. Note, routes that skip F class usually go through extra gates to get MadKnight and/or grind on stumps anyway. Almost wonder if it'd be faster to sac Dragon to open the bazaar gate and grind up Slib to Firebane in there. STONEMAN NEEDS MORE STRENGTH Golem + Demonite = MadMirror, this will have FrigidAir, is good idea yes MadMirror + Mick's DeadNite = RogueNite, 20 strengther, only inferior to stoneman himself NORTHREX LEVELS TOO SLOW Any bird + Mick's LizardMan = Faster leveling breath user! Start! Get safety herbs Enter Beginner, recruit Dracky and optional Anteater Get Hale, ditch Anteater Clear G class Recruit Golem, replace Slime unless it has Firebal? [Golem + Dracky + Hale] Try to pick up some items, need herbs later Clear F class Only threat is PaniDance, but it might not even ruin the run. Recruit MadCat boss (Replace Hale) Make sure you have 10+ herbs and at least one wing. Recruit Facetree Boss Recruit female Demonite, replace Dracky Make sure Golem and Demonite both hit level 10 (1320 & 660 XP). Bottom floor is worth 404 XP. Get Golem to level 9 + 56 XP (404 to level). Demonite needs 76 XP after recruitment (256 total). Clear E Class w/ Golem + MadCat + Demonite? If this doesn't work out, I guess recruit the Dragon boss and get him to BlazeAir before this fight. Breed MadCat with Tavern Catfly = MadCat 2.0 Breed Dracky with Mick's LizardMan = Wyvern Breed Golem + Demonite = MadMirror Team is MadCat + Wyvern + MadMirror Grind BigEye gate (on the right) until everyone hits level 10 (Tier 2 breaths). Clear D class Buy a ton of Lovewaters (10+) Breed MadMirror + Mick's DeadNite = RogueNite Recruit BattleRex boss Get some more XP on the way down Need a few Increase stacks. Let MadCat try to use LegSweep/BigTrip, but don't heal it. Buy a few Bookmarks (4-6) Breed MadCat + Medal Man's FangSlime = Unicorn Open/Enter Bazaar gate Recruit Madcandle opposite Wyvern's gender Breed MadCandle + Wyvern = Gismo ASAP Do the usual gold grind strats to force meat merchants to appear. Need 15k gold minimum to do Class A and Class S separately. Grind EXP until we can beat A class... (Grizzly x2 + Lionex -> Toadstool x2 + Lipsy) Clear A Class Savescum the free StoneMan from May, get as close to 200 ATK as possible, and the correct gender. Breed StoneMan + RogueNite = StoneMan 2.0 Stoneman 2.0 needs these levels if it starts with this ATK power, to reach 370 ATK: 221 -> 25 (RogueNite 684 ATK, 45k XP) 200 -> 30 (RogueNite 600 ATK, 147k XP) 183 -> 35 (RogueNite 532 ATK, 255k XP) 161 -> 40 (RogueNite 444 ATK, 413k XP) 126 -> 45 (RogueNite 304 ATK, 583k XP) 86 -> 50 (RogueNite 144 ATK, 780k XP) Strength seeds help a lot!!! One bard boosting ATK could also help a lot... Grind in Bazaar gate until 10k+ gold Grind in final (so far) gate room, gate on right, until strong enough for S class Whistle + Mash A Wing out when out of MP Metabble has 670 DEF just saying Clear S Class Grind in Reflection until 360-370 ATK on StoneMan Revive is Level 27, 174 MP, 152 Int Clear Reflection Clear Starry tournament Stoneman Str Gains (23) 0->25: 149 0->30: 170 0->35: 187 0->40: 209 0->45: 244 0->50: 284 Mimic/RogueNite Str Gains: (20) 0->25: 149 0->30: 170 0->35: 187 0->40: 209 0->45: 233 0->50: 253 Stoneman + Mimic = 100 ATK Stoneman 2.0. 250 ATK by 35. RogueNite breeding with 200 ATK StoneMan. How much XP to get 350 ATK? Nite starts with 50 ATK. Nite XP 12, StoneMan XP 15 42k to Rogue 25 = 199 ATK, 100 ATK baby, Stoneman needs 780k for level 50 = 822k 110k to Rogue 30 = 220 ATK, 105 ATK baby, Stoneman needs 780k for level 50 = 892k 722k to Rogue 50 = 303 ATK, 150 ATK baby, Stoneman needs 582k for level 45 = 1.3M okay moving on 100 ATK Mimic + 100 ATK StoneMan (Level 25 RogueNite + Reflection Mimic, May's StoneMan + MadCandle or another Mimic) Level both to 40, roughly 300 ATK each New baby stoneman with 150 ATK Level new baby to 40, boom 350 ATK 298k Mimic to 40 + 412k Stoneman to 40 + 412k Stoneman to 40 again Not less XP than grinding Stoneman to 50 zzz Wyvern actually has about the same growth as StoneMan... Oh No, Drackys - Recruit two Drackys (Or Dracky + BigRoost?) Dracky + Mick's Lizardman = Wyvern FemBird + Dran = Wyvern Level these wyverns to about 30, should have like 250 ATK? Breed them together, child should have like 125 ATK base Hopefully 370 ATK is achievable before level 40? Level 40 is only 217k though Rest of team - Unicorn & Battlerex? Unicorn = MadCat + MadCandle + Medal Man Fangslime Battlerex = Wrex + May's Rayburn, should start with 75 ATK/HP Route: Beginner -> recruit Dracky, Hale (Fem Dracky helps) G Class Recruit Dragon Recruit Golem F Class Recruit MadCat, send to farm Bewilder, recruit BigRoost and get everyone to 10 (Dracky or BigRoost must be female) Grind team: Dragon, Golem, BigRoost; Dracky should make it to 10 just fine. Pull out MadCat E Class Wyvern #1: Fem Bird + Dragon Wyvern #2: Other Bird + Mick's LizardMan (Opp gender of #1) MadCandle: Golem + Tavern Catfly (Female) Grind until MadCandle 11-12 (Infermore, Snowstorm) in BigEye gate D Class WindBeast: MadCandle + MadCat Recruit Battlerex, keep in farm Grind on Dragonkids until WindBeast is a respectable level? IceAir + Snowstorm are great for this, just don't run out of MP. Open Goopi Gate Battlerex: Battlerex + May's Rayburn Unicorn: WindBeast + Medal Man's Fangslime Only keep the Wyvern with the most HP Begin Goopi Gate Gold Grind (G4) Need at least 10k gold and Wyvern/Rex with tier 3 breath (28k XP Rex, ??? for wyvern) Life nuts on Wyvern to get it faster? Win S Class Team goes back to two Wyverns + Unicorn With Reflection open, Whistle-grind in Reflection until the Wyverns are at least 30? Higher? Level 30 gives 200 ATK, child will have 100 to start. Wyvern: Wyvern + Wyvern Hatch Battlerex Team is Wyvern, Battlerex, Unicorn Whistle-grind until Wyvern becomes Mighty. Clean house hiragana Level 1 stats: 38 HP, 39 ATK 157 HP, 194 ATK @ 26 @ 27 +6 both 163/200 209 @ 28 +5 HP +6 ATK 168/206 203 @ 29 +5 HP +6 ATK 173/212 197 @ 30 +6 HP +2 ATK 179/214 195 @ 31 +3 HP +5 ATK 182/219 190 @ 32 +4 HP +4 ATK 186/223 186 @ 33 +4 HP +3 ATK 190/226 183 @ 34 +4 HP +3 ATK 194/229 180 @ 35 +5 HP +2 ATK 199/231 178 @ 36 +9 HP +4 ATK 208/235 174 @ 37 +10HP +4 ATK 218/239 170 @ 38 +9 HP +3 ATK 227/242 167 @ 39 +9 HP +3 ATK 236/245 164 @ 40 +9 HP +3 ATK 245/248 161 To get 250 ATK from levels: Level 18 | ATK 31 Level 19 | ATK 30 Level 23 | ATK 27 Level 34 | ATK 21 Level 35 | ATK 24 Level 38 | ATK 9 | JewelBag (12, 303k), CurseLamp (9, 194k) Level 40 | ATK 18 | MadCat (12, 366k), AgDevil (16, 389k) Level 41 | ATK 15 | SlimeNite (15, 446k), KingSlime (12, 401k), EvilPot (11, 325k) Level 42 | ATK 20,23 | Dragon, RogueNite (12), Mimic, StoneMan Level 43 | ATK 12 | Golem -------------------------- New route - FT Curselamp + RogueNite FT CurseLamp starts level 20 (13900 XP) with 62 ATK (50-62) Party level 39-58, average levels 13-19 CurseLamp str growth starts at level 17 (6760 XP) Debatably worth breeding it right at the start? Its other stats would benefit. Recruit gets 150 more ATK by level 35 (oy) Baby gets 150 more ATK by level 28 Never mind no debate just breed it Wild MadCandle has 100 ATK (80-100) Or just use Teto's IceMan, and keep doing MadCat + MadCandle + FangSlime Child has (80+50 to 62 + 100)/4 = 32-40 ATK to start 200 ATK at level 29 (81k XP) IceMan gives: Cover, TailWind, Icebolt, FrigidAir, StrongD CurseLamp gives: Snowstorm, Sacrifice, Drakslash, Upper, Speed, TwinHits Golem + Mick's DeadNite = RogueNite Golem starts with 45 ATK (36-45), +5 by level 10 (41-50), more levels not worth DeadNite has 70 ATK Child will have 27-30 ATK 200 ATK at level 30 (110k XP) DeadNite gives: DragonCut, DevilCut, BeastCut, Heal, DeChaos, CurseOff Golem gives: ChargeUp, PsycheUp, StrongD RogueNite gives: Heal, EvilSlash, MetalCut When both children have 100k XP, levels are 32 lamp, 29 nite. Lamp +197 ATK, Nite +165 ATK. 431 ATK total, child 107 ATK. Starting with 107 ATK, a lamp will have 370 ATK by level 39, 38 with a couple seeds, 193k-211k XP. Level 40 lamp is 229k XP, +18k for +11 ATK 18k less XP on lamp/nite gives ...? CurseLamp max level is 45. Level 46 gives 315 ATK from 380k XP (and not enough ATK). Nite still saves over 80k XP. Unicorn = MadCat + MadCandle + FangSlime MadCat gives: Vacuslash, Legsweep, SquallHit MadCandle gives: Blaze, PsycheUp, Whistle FangSlime gives: ChargeUp, WarCry, CallHelp, BiAttack, SuckAir, BladeD Unicorn gives: Heal, Vivify, Antidote Annoying: Unicorn repeatedly learns LifeSong after Revive DROP: BiAttack, LegSweep Recruit wild CurseLamp before doing Gate of Anger Dive a gate and find a meat merchant? No bookmarks though. Breed Lamp with IceMan, Golem with DeadNite Do Anger MadCat + MadCandle = WindBeast Breed Unicorn at some point Can this team beat A Rank? Might need to bring in the Battlerex, no sleep resist. * This team CANNOT beat A Rank. Need some way to handle the bears/Lionex. Sleep? Wyvern has Sleep. Also need to be careful about skills. Unicorn used Snowstorm instead of Yellhelp, Lamp used SpeedUp instead of Increase. What if I just use Wrex to clear A Rank, grind JUST Unicorn + CurseLamp to funnel XP, and recruit a Mimic in Reflection? Or breed a wyvern early on and do something with it? Problems: Can't beat A Rank AI won't use the right skills because other skills exist Lost an hour trying to catch a lamp Tweaked Route: 1) Have a Wyvern (Dracky + Mick's Lizardman) 2) Get lamp after Battlerex, when you get access to bookmarks 3) Breed lamp with Madcandle instead of IceMan 4) Unicorn is back to just MadCat + FangSlime (Could breed with a dragon for more skills?) Skills: Unicorn: Heal (2) Antidote (5) Legsweep (6) [Drop @ 14] Vacuslash (11) Squallhit (12) SuckAir (13) [Drop @ 14] ChargeUp (14) [Drop @ 17] WarCry (14) BladeD (14) Vivify (14) CallHelp (17) (YH 23) BiAttack (19) [Drop] Wyvern: Heal (2) FrigidAir (3) FireAir (3) Sleep (4) Antidote (5) RobMagic (7) [Drop @ 14] BeastCut (12) Vivify (14) StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) [Drop] GigaSlash (Never) Lamp 1: Sacrifice (2) Upper (2) Speed (2) [DROP @ 17!!] Blaze (2) Whistle (4) Icebolt (5) Drakslash (12) PsycheUp (12) TwinHits (17) RogueNite: Heal (2) DeChaos (6) CurseOff (7) MetalCut (12) Drakslash (12) DevilCut (12) BeastCut (12) [Drop @ 15] PsycheUp (12) [Drop @ 14] ChargeUp (14) [Drop] StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) Lamp 2: Heal (2) Sacrifice (2) [Drop @ 12] Upper (2) Speed (2) [Drop @ 7] Blaze (2) [Drop @ 12] Whistle (4) Icebolt (5) DeChaos (6) CurseOff (7) MetalCut (12) [Drop] DragonCut (12) [Drop] DevilCut (12) PsycheUp (12) [Drop @ 14] StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) [Drop] TwinHits (17) [Drop] Route: Recruit Dracky, Dragon, Golem F Class Recruit Madcat, MC/Drag/Golm level 10 on stumps E Class Dracky + Lizardman D Class Golem + Deadnite Anger MadCat + FangSlime Recruit CurseLamp and Madcandle Curselamp + Madcandle Get $$$$$$ (15-20k) Hope you can beat A Class lol Whistle grind to sum 400 ATK CurseLamp + RogueNite Uni+Lamp Whistle grind to 370 ATK Recruit Mimic Addt options: Copycat for Transform? Will Phoenix use it in the arena? Maybe... Breed EvilPot for resistances. Wyvern + Madcandle (or MadMirror) + Devil Bird + Dragon + Mat + Devil + Devil? Ugh. Use the free Stoneman Tweak it again: Dracky + Dragon + MadCandle + Devil = EvilPot with Whistle Madcat + Fangslime = Unicorn don't think we need to mess with the formula here Lamp + Golem = Lamp, Lamp + StoneMan = Lamp. Route: Recruit Dracky, Dragon, Golem F Class Recruit Madcat, Cat/Drag/Golm to level 10 on stumps Recruit Demonite at bottom of Facetree gate (or top of BigEye gate later) E Class Dracky + Lizardman D Class Golem + DeadNite Anger MadCat + FangSlime Recruit CurseLamp opposite RogueNite's gender Curselamp + RogueNite Recruit MadCandle opposite Wyvern's gender MadCandle + Wyvern opposite Demonite's gender Gismo + Demonite Get $$$$$$ (15-20k) Beat A Class Confidently Grab free Stoneman, opposite CurseLamp's gender and as close to 200 ATK as possible Whistle grind to CurseLamp 210-220 ATK CurseLamp + Stoneman Whistle grind to CurseLamp 370 ATK Recruit Mimic in Reflection Skills: Unicorn: Heal (2) Antidote (5) Legsweep (6) [Drop @ 14] Vacuslash (11) Squallhit (12) ChargeUp (14) [Drop] WarCry (14) BladeD (14) Vivify (14) SuckAir (17) [Drop] CallHelp (17) (YH 23) BiAttack (19) [Drop] RogueNite: Heal (2) DeChaos (6) CurseOff (7) MetalCut (12) Drakslash (12) DevilCut (12) BeastCut (12) [Drop @ 15] PsycheUp (12) [Drop @ 14] ChargeUp (14) [Drop] StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) Lamp 1: Heal (2) Speed (2) [Drop at 12] Upper (2) Sacrifice (2) Icebolt (5) DeChaos (6) CurseOff (7) MetalCut (12) [Drop] Drakslash (12) [Drop at 14] DevilCut (12) StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) [Drop] Twinhits (17) [Drop] Lamp 2: Heal (2) Speed (2) [Drop at 14] Upper (2) Sacrifice (2) [Drop at 20] Icebolt (5) Cover (5) [Drop at 12] DeChaos (6) CurseOff (7) Ahhh (10) [Drop] DevilCut (12) StrongD (14) SuckAll (14) [Drop] Twinhits (17) [Drop] HealUs (20) Meditate (26) [Drop] Farewell (32) [Drop] Wyvern: Heal (2) FrigidAir (3) FireAir (3) Sleep (4) Antidote (5) RobMagic (7) [Drop @ 14] BeastCut (12) Vivify (14) StrongD (14) EvilSlash (15) [Drop] GigaSlash (Never) Gismo: Heal (2) Blaze (2) FrigidAir (3) FireAir (3) Whistle (4) Sleep (4) Antidote (5) BeastCut (12) [Drop at 14] PsycheUp (12) [Drop] Vivify (14) StrongD (14) [Drop] SuckAir (17) [Drop] EvilPot: Heal (2) Blaze (2) FrigidAir (3) FireAir (3) Whistle (4) Sleep (4) Antidote (5) FireSlash (11) [Drop 14] Massacre (12) [Drop] Vivify (14) Beat (16) [Drop] SuckAir (17) [Drop] Skill Drops: Unicorn: 14 3rd, ??? (Legsweep, ChargeUp) 17 New (SuckAir) 19 New RogueNite: 14 New 1st (ChargeUp) 14 8th (PsycheUp) 15 New (EvilSlash) Lamp 1: 12 8th MetalCut 12 2nd Speed 14 7th Drakslash 15 New EvilSlash 17 New TwinHits Lamp 2: 10 New Ahhh 12 6th Cover 14 2nd Speed 14 New ??? SuckAll 17 New Twinhits 20 3rd Sacrifice 26 New Meditate 32 New Farewell Wyvern: 14 6th RobMagic 15 New EvilSlash Gismo: 12 New PsycheUp 14 8th BeastCut 14 New StrongD 17 New SuckAir EvilPot: 12 New Massacre 14 8th Fireslash 16 New Beat 17 New SuckAir Transform Route: [DID NOT WORK] Transform obviously comes from CopyCat (or MadMirror) Transform requires: Level 21, 92 MP, 88 Int (Want fast-leveling monster, or don't breed boss Copycat) CopyCat can breed into: Healer Phoenix Toadstool Spooky Shadow CopyCat + Golem makes RogueNite w/ Strong D. Can't unlearn OddDance though. Breed again? Golem + CopyCat makes Shadow w/ Strong D. Have to keep ThickFog. Is that so bad? Golem + Iceman + CopyCat? Golem + MadCandle + CopyCat for Whistle?? RogueNite Same materials as Shadow, but worst stats. CopyCat (Bad HP and resists, great growth) MadMirror can breed into lots of Materials. MapMagic is good. MagicBack needs un-learned. Golem + Demonite would work, but would have bad MP. Unicorn with Revive: Beast + Healie + FangSlime? MadCat + IceMan/Catfly + Healie + FangSlime? Pick up StrongD that way. Unicorn can also learn Revive at 27 if it isn't made from the boss MadCat. Recruit Phoenix with Hustle? Need total party level 59/average 20. Party: Shadow - Golem + (opt. Iceman) + MadCandle + CopyCat Unicorn - MadCat + CatFly + FangSlime Wyvern - Dracky + Lizardman -> dumpster? Mimic? Alt: Shadow - Golem + IceMan + CopyCat Shadow - Golem + DeadNite + CopyCat Unicorn - MadCat + Catfly + FangSlime Wyvern - Dracky + Lizardman -> Dump Mimic HealUs Ideas: [140/120 @ 20 for HealUs, 196/160 @ 28 HealUsAll] Healie + LizardMan = DrakSlime -> Phoenix -> Gizmo -> EvilPot? [Need ALL OF THESE to hit level 20 to carry HealUs] MadCandle + Healie = JewelBag -> + Spooky = Shadow? (Jewelbag HealUs at ~28) FT Jewelbag + Spooky = Shadow? (HealUsAll at like 35+) FT Jewelbag + FT Shadow = Shadow? (29 MP, 44 Int to start = HealUs at lvl 24-25 (Int), HealUsAll at lvl 31-33 (MP)) Route: Recruit Dracky, Dragon, Golem Need lots of herbs for Dragon Ideally Dragon has 53+ HP but do you reset over this? F Class Recruit Madcat & get Dracky to 10 FaceTree gate, get Cat/Drag/Golm to level 10 on stumps, wing out E Class Dracky + Lizardman = Wyvern MadCat + Catfly = MadCat Grind in Bravery gate (Watch out for Blazemore) D Class Golem + DeadNite = RogueNite Anger MadCat + FangSlime = Unicorn Farm gate - 4 repellants, 4 bookmarks Recruit Shadow from Foreign Tamer @ party level 19-38 Recruit Copycat Arena gate Recruit MadCandle opposite Shadow's gender Shadow + MadCandle = Shadow Whistle grind until Wyvern + RogueNite level 39 Swap Shadow for Copycat (Party level 59) Recruit JewelBag from Foreign Tamer @ party level 59-78 Copycat + RogueNite = Shadow w/ Transform Shadow + JewelBag = Shadow w/ HealUs Get $$$$$$ (15k) Whistle Grind until HealUs Beat S Class Confidently Whistle grind in Labyrinth until HealUsAll Reflection Starry Tournament