Brey EXP -------- Brey needs 33667 EXP to hit level 19. Will gain: - 112 EXP leveling Cristo to level 4 - 5100 Keeleon 5 - 6500 Balzack 5 - 4100 Gigademon - 5500 Infurnus Shadow - 6300 Radimvice = 27612 (6055 short) Might gain: - 100 Humanoid - 2700 Metal Slimes - 1030 per Andreal - 558 per Demighoul Need 6.1k w/o metal slimes, 3.4k with. Four Andreals or three Andreals and a Demighoul tops off the metal slime route. Grislysaber route needs six Andreals, or five Andreals and two Demighouls.