select `Number`,`Name`, CONCAT( FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 2)/2) , FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 1)/1) , ' ' , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 128)/128) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 64)/64) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 32)/32) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 16)/16) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 8)/8) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 4)/4) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 2)/2) , FLOOR((`26_Unknown` & 1)/1)) as bits , (`24_Unknown` % 16) as `24_bottomnibble` , FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 8)/8) as `24_b4` , FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 4)/4) as `24_b3` , FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 2)/2) as `24_b2` , FLOOR((`24_Unknown` & 1)/1) as `24_b1` FROM `dragonwarrioriv` WHERE 1 order by number asc The byte numbers in the database field names are off by five (5_XP1 is the first/zeroth byte) The byte numbers in this file are off by three !!!Am I also missing all of the high bits of the six skill bytes??? !!! Not anymore! They're action chance, action count, and HP regen. Byte 23's lower three bits are item drop rate, leaving only the top five unknown. So I need to know the zeroes here: (Vaxherd provided field sizes in Discord on 6/6/21) Byte 22 XX XX XX 00 24_UNKNOWN % 16 (Vaxherd calls this byte 19) [Always zero?] Byte 23 XX XXX XXX 25_UNKNOWN / 64 (Vaxherd calls this byte 20) Byte 24 00 000 000 26_UNKNOWN (Vaxherd calls this byte 21) C7 11 000 111 - Bounce 87 10 000 111 - Confused 47 01 000 111 - Paralyzed 07 00 000 111 - Asleep 000 0 001 1/2 010 1/4 011 1/8 100 1/16 101 1/32 110 1/256 111 100% 22 bottom bits - always zero? 24 top bits - Usually zero. except: Vamp bat, rogue wisper, mystic doll, chaos hopper, spite spirit, Radimvice, Necrosaro 7 24 mid bits - Usually seven. except: Spite Spirit, Ouphnest, Brahmird, Rogue Wisper, Big Sloth, Vamp Bat, Somnabeetle, MYstic Doll, Chaos Hopper, King Metal 24 bottom bits - Almost always 0b111, except Balakooda, Zappersaber, Flamadog, and some dummies/party members. Name 22 23 Byte 24 - Measuring Sticks - Slime 00 00111111 (Basic Enemy) Mighty Healer 00 00111111 (Earth's Mightiest Healer) Hun 00 00111111 (Tournament boss w/o item drop) - The Guaranteed Drop Boys - Chameleon Humanoid 00 00111111 Infernus Shadow 00 00111111 Roric 00 00111111 Vivian 00 00111111 Sampson 00 00111111 Bakor 00 00111111 - The Two Turn Crew - King Metal 00 00110111 (Sometimes) Dragon Rider 00 00111111 Guardian 00 00111111 Necrosaro 1 00 00111111 Necrosaro 7 00 11000111 Gigademon 00 00111111 - The Scripted Boys - Skeleton 00 00111111 Dragon Rider 00 00111111 Guardian 00 00111111 (Center column?) Master Malice 00 00111111 (rip) Necrosaro 4 00 00111111 (RIP!) King Slime 00 00111111 (RIP!!!) Bakor 00 00111111 (RIIIIIIIIIIIIP!) - Metal Boys The Last Two Bits in Byte 22 Nonzero - Metal Babble 11 00111111 Metal Slime 11 00111111 King Metal 11 00110111 - Mimic AI - Mimic 00 00111111 Bebanbar 00 00111111 - Sleepy Boys - Brahmird 00 00010111 Big Sloth 00 00010111 Bomb Crag 00 00000111 Esturk 00 00000111 (Sleepiest Boy) - Confused Boys - Rogue Wisper 00 10010111 Vampire Bat 00 10011111 - Jubilant Boys - Lighthouse Bengal 00 00111111 (Is Jubilant) Keeleon 5 00 00111111 (Is not Jubilant) - Evasion - Metal Babble 11 011 00111111 ("3") Rhinoband 00 000 00111111 ("0")